More Than 350 Organizations Voice Support for Existing Pesticide Law

NPC joined more than 350 agriculture and other industry partners reliant on the safe and effective use of pesticide products on a letter sent to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives in support of the current Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

The letter was in response to recently introduced legislation (S. 3283) that would undermine the science-based standards contained within our nation’s pesticide law. This is the second time these organizations have reached out to Congress to voice concern over similar proposed legislation.

The group wrote that the bill would jeopardize the continued availability and innovation of pesticide products by imposing an unscientific and unbalanced process, which could unnecessarily remove pest control options from those who need them to safely grow crops. The full letter can be found here


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